Title Summary Date
Congregational Celebration and Thanskgiving for Rev. Tom and Carol Are sermon series image The Village Church Congregation expresses its gratitude and final farewell to Rev. Tom Are and Carol Are. read more 10/17/2023
That’s Asking a Lot! sermon series image Every year new officers of the church answer some important questions. These questions point to theological convictions we, as people of the church,... read more 9/10/2023
September 3 2023 Sermons sermon series image Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation of your own making? Moses did. He led the Israelites out of slavery only to find himself surroun... read more 9/3/2023
Youth Sunday 2023 sermon series image The unknowns of something new can be daunting. Yet, when we step beyond the comfort of our borders, we get to experience the mystery and beauty of... read more 8/27/2023
On Finding Home (Finding Nemo) sermon series image Today we turn to Pixar's "Toy Story." Jesus calls us his friends because we do what he has commanded us to do. To be a friend is a wonderful gift,... read more 7/30/2023
In Joy sermon series image Human beings need joy. Joy can result from the positive circumstances in our lives, but if positive circumstances are required, then joy will be elu... read more 7/2/2023
Why Church? sermon series image The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life reports that nearly a quarter of American adults say that they have no religious affiliation, an all-time hi... read more 6/4/2023
Do I Have a Story for You! sermon series image The first stories in the Bible are both familiar as well as complicated. You know the names— Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, as well as that story of the Towe... read more 5/7/2023
Jesus and the Least of These sermon series image In the Gospel of Matthew, we read of a time when all peoples of the earth will be judged not according to our wealth or power but according to how we ... read more 4/30/2023
Mission Road - Rev. Dr. Darren Kennedy sermon series image Rev. Dr. Darren Kennedy is our guest preacher. Darren grew up in Village Church and is currently serving as a professor of theology and the academic d... read more 4/23/2023
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