Title Summary Date
You Name It, You Take Care of It sermon series image In the second creation story in Genesis, God gave the human the power to name all the creatures. With the naming comes the responsibility to care fo... read more 4/16/2023
2023 Lenten Sermon Series, Get a Life: Walking in Peter's Footsteps sermon series image This Lent we will journey with the Apostle Peter, the first disciple to be called and among the last to fall away. He had moments of brilliance as w... read more 2/26/2023
Stay & Pray: God’s Invitation to Human Connection sermon series image The best baby gift I received was a retired pediatric nurse offering to stay overnight and keep watch over my twin three-month-old babies. What a gi... read more 2/19/2023
I am… Bread. Light. Way. Life. sermon series image We make the bold claim that we are the “Church of Jesus Christ” and that “Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built.” But who is Jesus r... read more 1/8/2023
2022 Village Presbyterian Women Advent Celebration -- Women Together in Light sermon series image Join us for liturgical dancing, scripture, singing, stories and prayer, as we celebrate the knowledge that the light of God’s love, and the suppor... read more 12/6/2022
Hopes & Fears of All the Years sermon series image We all have our own personal lists of hopes and fears; sometimes life feels like we are perennially living between them. But what if we allow God to... read more 11/27/2022
The Good That Is Ours To Do sermon series image There was a time when the church was convinced that we would conquer the world. Maybe whoever Luke was, who wrote the book of Acts, had such a confi... read more 10/23/2022
Sometimes We Need To Ask For Directions sermon series image If you desired your faith to grow and to be in a different place a year from now, to make the coming year a year of spiritual journey, what would you ... read more 9/11/2022
What Was Intended for Harm sermon series image If you know about Joseph in the Bible, you know life does not come without challenges, difficulties and trauma. As we look at Joseph we can draw out s... read more 9/4/2022
Sensing Faith sermon series image Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit and by God’s grace, comes to us through a variety of ways. Sometimes faith comes through something we hear: a son... read more 8/7/2022
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