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Sermons sermon series image Listen as our Village Youth lead worship on Youth Sunday, Aug. 25, 2019. Rev. Sally Wright preaches on Sept. 1, 2019. read more 8/25/2019
September 3 2023 Sermons sermon series image Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation of your own making? Moses did. He led the Israelites out of slavery only to find himself surroun... read more 9/3/2023
Sensing Faith sermon series image Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit and by God’s grace, comes to us through a variety of ways. Sometimes faith comes through something we hear: a son... read more 8/7/2022
Road Trip sermon series image Leaving home is a common hunger. To escape an overbearing parent, to search for a missing loved one, to find excitement, or to find ourselves and live... read more 9/13/2020
Prophets: God May Not Be Who You Think She Is sermon series image This is a study of the Prophets. Sometimes the Prophets critique those who do not trust in God, but usually, they are correcting (or reminding) people... read more 9/8/2019
Prophet & Lost Statements: A Series on Jonah sermon series image Jonah was called by God to share a holy word in Nineveh. Nineveh was the last place that Jonah wanted to go. There were good reasons for that. But aft... read more 9/9/2018
Practicing Lent sermon series image The season of Lent in the Christian year begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. The word “Lent” comes f... read more 2/18/2024
Practical Wisdom from James sermon series image "Timely wisdom for our world today.” That’s how Dr. Martha Moore-Keish describes the Book of James in her recent commentary. (James. A Theological Com... read more 8/1/2021
People Like Us sermon series image The Bible is filled with stories of people. Some of them are of amazing and inspiring folks. Others’ stories tell of folks in desperate need. Many tel... read more 6/16/2019
On Finding Home (Finding Nemo) sermon series image Today we turn to Pixar's "Toy Story." Jesus calls us his friends because we do what he has commanded us to do. To be a friend is a wonderful gift,... read more 7/30/2023
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