In Joy
Human beings need joy. Joy can result from the positive
circumstances in our lives, but if positive circumstances are required,
then joy will be elu... read more
I Won't Be Home for Christmas
Advent is a season of waiting. The church is always in Advent, because we are always waiting on what God will do next, although it is only this time o... read more
I Wish the Preacher Would Talk About..........
In December the church family was invited to share topics to be included in a sermon series. Hundreds of responses were received. Our sermons have bee... read more
I Have a Question...
Life raises questions. Sometimes it raises questions that require a response from our faith. The
teaching of the faith raises questions as well. Some... read more
I Have a Dream (HOME) Action and Celebration Event Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26
Village Church is hosting an event with Stand Up for Black Lives+ PV, the Johnson County NAACP, ... read more
I Believe. Help My Unbelief.
You hear this prayer every Sunday: We believe, help our unbelief. This is a series exploring this prayer. You know that Village welcomes questions. We... read more
I am… Bread. Light. Way. Life.
We make the bold claim that we are the “Church of Jesus Christ” and that “Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built.” But who is Jesus r... read more
How Long, O Lord?
Rev. Tom are will preach about race and white privilege. read more
Hopes & Fears of All the Years
We all have our own personal lists of hopes and fears; sometimes life feels
like we are perennially living between them. But what if we allow God to... read more
Guest Preacher Homecoming, Rev. Caroline Barnett
Rev. Caroline Barnett is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA) and most recently
served as the associate pastor/campus minister for First ... read more