Title Summary Date
The Church: An Already/Not Yet People sermon series image What is a church good for? Why did God decide the world that God loves needs a church? Well, there are several responses to such questions. A few cent... read more 9/5/2021
That’s Asking a Lot! sermon series image Every year new officers of the church answer some important questions. These questions point to theological convictions we, as people of the church,... read more 9/10/2023
Tell Me a Story sermon series image We are, both as Christians and as humans, a story people. We enjoy stories, we learn from stories; but over the past year we have in some ways been un... read more 5/30/2021
Taizé sermon series image Monthly Taizé worship read more 1/19/2021
Table Graces sermon series image Throughout the Bible, the table holds a prominent place in the stories of God’s people. From the directions to build a table around which the people ... read more 5/26/2024
Summer Reading: Great Stories of Faith sermon series image A good story can encourage and inspire as well as instruct. The stories that we tell and the stories we remember can give shape to our lives. The Bibl... read more 6/14/2020
Stay & Pray: God’s Invitation to Human Connection sermon series image The best baby gift I received was a retired pediatric nurse offering to stay overnight and keep watch over my twin three-month-old babies. What a gi... read more 2/19/2023
Spring Sermons sermon series image April 28 - Rev. Hallie Hottle preaching | May 5 - Rev. Tom Are preaching | May 12 - Rev. Tom Are preaching read more 4/28/2019
Sometimes We Need To Ask For Directions sermon series image If you desired your faith to grow and to be in a different place a year from now, to make the coming year a year of spiritual journey, what would you ... read more 9/11/2022
Sermons While Social Distancing sermon series image Imagination: Seeing God at Work Today - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka preaching 5.3.2020 | Resilience: Keeping the Central Things Central - Rev. Dr. Rodger... read more 3/15/2020
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